10 Ways to Finish What You Start

10 Ways to Finish What You Start

Something that’s often harder than deciding to achieve your goal, and then starting that goal, is actually finishing it! Whether it’s a lack of motivation, or you’re not sure how exactly to go about achieving your goals, it can be easier to put off progress or even quit rather than reach the finish line. HOWEVER. [...]
14 Habits of Successful People

14 Habits of Successful People

Success is personal and subjective. What success looks like for you may be very different for your friend. However, there are things you can do to set yourself up for success – no matter what success looks like to you! Use this checklist. See which habits you have and which ones you can develop so [...]
5 Habits to Develop a Healthy Mindset

5 Habits to Develop a Healthy Mindset

Why is it that some people find it so easy to exercise, eat healthy, and prioritize themselves while so many others struggle? One of those reasons is a difference in mindset. If you view yourself as someone that can’t eat healthy or follow a diet, you’ll find it very challenging to eat well or follow [...]
Success Is Closer Than You Think

Success Is Closer Than You Think

Feeling discouraged? You've made more progress than you realize. Sometimes it can feel like no matter how hard you work on your goals, your progress isn’t visible. Whether you realize it or not, every day brings you closer to your goals and your dreams. You may feel like you have a long way to go, [...]
Balancing Multiple Goals

Balancing Multiple Goals

Is it beneficial to work on more than one goal? Having more than one goal can help you develop different skills and progress professionally and personally, which can be very rewarding! As we’ve discussed in other 4WRD blogs, numerous studies have found that breaking goals down into specific action plans and smaller goals works when [...]
Strategies for Achieving Your Professional Goals

Strategies for Achieving Your Professional Goals

What are your career goals? Most likely, you want to move up, increase your pay, and have greater responsibilities. Or perhaps you want to get out of your current job and find one that's more rewarding. Whatever your professional goals are, which can also include goals that have been set for you by your supervisor [...]
Goal Setting: 5 Ways to Stay Focused On Your Goals

Goal Setting: 5 Ways to Stay Focused On Your Goals

Do you struggle with reaching your goals? Maintaining focus and continually working on your goals may be part of the reason why it’s so difficult to achieve them. Many of us blame distractions such as work, family, or technology and say that’s the reason why we have a hard time concentrating on our goals. Despite [...]
The 4WRD Interview Series: Life Coach Wendy Buckingham

The 4WRD Interview Series: Life Coach Wendy Buckingham

If you’re a life coach or aspiring to be one, you may have stumbled upon Life Coaching Professionally, an all-in-one online location for information on life coaching created by Wendy Buckingham. With more than 20 years of formal coaching experience, Wendy is a certified graduate of the first coaching school in America, Coach U. Coaching [...]
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