It’s Only Wise! Setting Smart Goals for the New Year

setting SMART goals

Want to accomplish as much as possible this year? Then you need to lear how to set SMART goals for the new year!

One of the best ways to guarantee goal-setting success is to ensure that each of your goals fits the SMART formula.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

When your goals have these SMART goal characteristics, you are much likelier to achieve them.

Goal Setting Success

Setting short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals for yourself is a key to success in your life.

If there are things that you want to achieve or ways that you want to grow, setting goals as stepping stones is an important part of getting there.

However, they can’t all be big goals or all be small goals. Be sure to have some of each in order to maximize your success in all aspects of your life.

Follow this strategy to set SMART goals:

Smart Goals Are Specific

This means that your goal should be numbers based, or have a specific goal in mind. A smart goal may be “Go from jogging 1 mile to running 2 miles,” or “practice yoga each weekday.” Both are specific goals without any vague phrasing left open to interpretation.

  • The more specific your goals are, the clearer it will be when you finally achieve them.
  • Break your large goals into smaller short-term and medium-term goals, with each smaller goal phrased just as specifically in order for them to be attainable and achievable.
  • Use 4WRD to set your action plans and your deadlines so you never lose track of all of your goals!

Smart Goals Are Measurable

To know whether or not you achieved a goal, you must be able to measure your progress. SMART goals are goals that you can track and measure that have a clear end or point of attainment.

  • Being able to measure your progress is really important in goal setting and goal achievement. It helps you determine whether or not you’re moving in the right direction, since you can clearly track and measure both positive and negative progress along the way.
  • 4WRD is the perfect tool for measuring your progress. Not only can you demonstrate your progress in your action plan as you work through it, but you can also share your progress with other 4WRD members, adding an extra layer of accountability!

Smart Goals Are Attainable

Smart goals are goals that you can actually achieve. They’re not extremely farfetched goals like “Lose 100 pounds in 90 days” – if you can’t actually achieve your goal, why set it? SMART goals are goals that you are physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of achieving.

Smart Goals Are Relevant

SMART goals must be relevant. Another word for relevant can be ‘realistic.’; SMART goals are not only attainable, but they are realistically attainable. They are a combination between a specific achievement that you can reach and a time frame that realistically coordinates with that achievement.

Smart Goals Are Relevant

SMART goals must be relevant. Another word for relevant can be ‘realistic.’; SMART goals are not only attainable, but they are realistically attainable. They are a combination between a specific achievement that you can reach and a time frame that realistically coordinates with that achievement.

For that reason, a SMART goal would be “run half a mile,” and then increasing the distance each day or each week for a healthy fitness plan, rather than “run 5 miles” with no prior training.

Smart Goals Are Timely

Smart goals have realistic time frames. When you put a realistic time frame on your goal, it gives you something to work for.

To simply “run 5 miles,” without a time frame lacks motivation. “Run 5 miles at the end of 4 months” has a realistic time frame that gives you something to work for and a date for completion.

It’s worthwhile to note that there are other words that can and do relate to the SMART acronym most recently. However, the general idea is the same. The main point is that SMART goals are those that are specific enough to keep you motivated toward taking consistent action.

Here are other forms of the SMART acronym:

To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be:

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant)
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating)
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable)
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based)
  • Time-Sensitive (timely, time-bound)

The bottom line is that setting SMART goals is the best way to guarantee success at setting and achieving goals for what you want in life.

By setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely, you can and will achieve the success you deserve!

4WRD is the perfect place to keep track of all of your short-term, medium-term, and long-term SMART goals. 4WRD allows you to get specific about your goal, measure all of your progress, make sure your goal is attainable and realistic, and allows you to set realistic timelines for yourself. 4WRD is the tool to help you achieve all of your SMART goals!

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